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Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Outfits?!

New Outfits?!

Spop Outfit and Sprawker Outfit

Both outfits are good for summer! WoozWorld took a name and added "S" for summer in front of it! Guinness!! Now go and buy it! I will be posting pictures of models soon, so keep in touch, but down below is a picture of the Spop outfit!

 These models didn't want to have their names posted but they did a good job! Model number 1 chose to use mint green which is awesome! Along with her high ponytail to cut the whole outfit off! This was an amazing summer outfit, wear it more often!

Model number 2 used the color of white! White is a good summer outfit because its the color of clouds and clouds are nice and beautiful to look at, right?!

Well enjoy these outfits and I hope you buy them sometime soon! I couldn't find MANY models (as you can see) and I also couldn't find any boy models so sorry about that!!

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