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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Azurium Flower FOUND?!

Woozworld found the Azurium flower! But collecting it, that's another challenge that YOU get to do! Here's how to collect the flower and prizes you can get! ;)

1. Go to the Azurium flower unit.
2. Click the PURPLE podz (you will receive a patch of soil!)
3. Go to the Shopz and BUY a seed (yes you will need ALLOT of wooz for this, trust me 200 wooz STILL isn't enough for me!)
4. Go and place your soil patch on the floor in YOUR unit. Click it and pick the seed you bought.
5. You will need to water and fertilize for it to grow.
6. Once at 100% you will receive gifts like the following! :)

Prizes include the following (I only know 2 items and they are both girls!)

#1 Azurium Dress (I want it SOO bad! D:)

#2 Azurium Rebel

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